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了解更多北京时间2023年3月30日,上海耀乘健康科技有限公司(以下简称“耀乘”或“耀乘健康科技”)于上海发布,中国生命科学行业创新医药领军企业之一的石药集团有限公司(以下简称“石药集团”),携手耀乘于近日正式上线 AuroraPrime Create 临床研究文档生成系统(以下简称“Prime Create”)。石药集团将全面应用该系统来撰写临床研究方案及CSR(临床研究报告),以提升内容撰写、跨团队协作和审批流程效率,实现对文档内容的数字化和结构化,建立企业级内容知识库,实现创新研发的完整知识沉淀及应用。
了解更多北京时间2022年10月12日 —— 上海耀乘健康科技有限公司(以下简称“耀乘健康科技”或“耀乘”)作为新一代生命科学临床研究数智化赋能领航者,于近日正式完成数千万美元的 A+轮融资。本轮融资由汉康资本领投,跟投方为波士顿投资(B Capital),华兴资本担任了本轮融资的独家财务顾问。
了解更多北京时间2022年8月17日,上海耀乘健康科技有限公司(以下简称“耀乘”或“耀乘健康科技”)确认,由耀乘独立创新研发的临床研究方案生成系统 Prime Create 将迎来 2.0 版本的重要更新。作为目前生命科学行业信息化领域独特的专业方案撰写系统,Prime Create 2.0 具备智能化内容推荐、丰富的模版库、方案全流程协同管理等领先的功能特征,临床研究方案撰写的明天已经到来。
了解更多北京时间2021年7月22日 —— 上海耀乘健康科技有限公司(简称“耀乘健康科技”)作为新一代生命科学临床研究云平台的领创者,于近日正式完成亿元级A轮融资,本轮领投方为上海人工智能产业投资基金(简称“上海AI基金”),跟投方包括:光速中国(种子轮投资人)、汉康资本(种子轮投资人)、联想之星、春华创投。
Shanghai|Engineering|Published 2023-06-02
1. Engage in AI research and development in the field of clinical and biomedical informatics, including data collection, algorithm research, and model building.
2. Explore innovative applications of AI and be responsible for the application development of NLP technology in specific business scenarios.
3. Build machine learning platforms and frameworks, including algorithm implementation and system development.
4. Keep up with the latest developments in cutting-edge technologies in the industry and integrate them into the existing technical system to continuously enhance the platform's capabilities and meet business needs.
5. Provide insights and take the lead in implementing AI initiatives based on practical application products and scenarios within the company.
1. Bachelor's degree or above in computer science or a related field, with at least five years of experience in AI research and development. In-depth research in natural language processing or computer vision, solid theoretical foundation, good mathematical and statistical knowledge, and programming skills are required.
2. Practical experience in implementing AI applications, preferably with experience in building from scratch and continuous optimization.
3. Familiarity with cutting-edge research in natural language processing, extensive research experience, and preferred experience in training and applying large-scale language models.
4. Proficiency in various machine learning and deep learning algorithms and their application scenarios.
5. Familiarity with at least one machine learning framework such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, etc.
6. Strong innovation spirit and scientific research capabilities, good information search, literature reading, and algorithm implementation skills.
7. Strong documentation skills and the ability to communicate effectively with technical teams and management.
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